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Promoting Compassion and Unity Amidst Diverse Opinions

To the editor:            

      I am writing this letter as a concerned resident, moved by the recent uproar in our town over the inclusion of a contentious book in our local school library. This situation, while specific in nature, serves as a mirror to a broader, more pervasive issue— the escalating culture war we find ourselves entangled in. At its heart, this matter reflects a profound need for renewed understanding, empathy, and compassion amongst us.

      We, as members of this vibrant community, come from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, each carrying unique insights and values. This diversity is our strength, yet it can also lead to disagreements. The question that stands tall today is not whether we should disagree, but rather, how should we navigate these disagreements when they arise?

      In our pursuit of resolving our differences, we must remember that our shared human experience binds us. We are all human, and our interactions should reflect our mutual respect and admiration for each other. This requires us to conduct ourselves with civility, even in the face of stark differences. In an era where hatred and anger are often easier paths, we must strive to appeal to our higher nature, choosing empathy over animosity.

      To argue respectfully, to disagree without harboring hatred, is an art that we must nurture. Imagine a world where we can express differing opinions and still share a meal afterwards, still laugh together, still see the worth in the other. This, to me, is the kind of community we should aspire to build.

      It is easy to forget that behind every opinion lies a person, a human being deserving of respect and kindness. It's crucial, now more than ever, to ask ourselves, "Where has compassion gone?" This is not a rhetorical question, but a call to action. A plea for us to return to the very essence of our shared humanity.

      As we continue to discuss the controversial book, let it serve as a reminder that our discourse should not divide us, but bring us closer together. Let's use it as a platform for understanding, a chance to respect our differences, and an opportunity to foster a more united community.

      The world we pass onto future generations is shaped by our actions today. Let's ensure that it is a world where compassion and respect triumph over fear and division.


Yours sincerely,

Wayne Nilsen


Vote “YES” To Protect OUR Town!

To the editor:            

      Thank you, Planning Board Members, for your efforts to mitigate the impact of a Mega Distribution Center in our Town and for encouraging residents to write Citizen Petitions. 

      Some Members felt they need another year to write definitions and provide additional uses in the Industrial Zone. Currently, there are 18 permitted uses and no definition for this type of structure. Waiting leaves our Town exposed to unreasonable growth (million+ Distribution Center). 

      Zoning Articles #49, #50 address the need for a definition of a Warehouse and Distribution Center. Currently, there are no definitions! Zoning Article #51 limits the size of a Distribution Center, not a Warehouse. 

      Distribution Centers significantly increase the amount of truck traffic; limiting size will help manage uncontrollable growth. We just don’t have the infrastructure for a Mega Distribution Center. Traffic will be a nightmare on Rte. 101A! With increased traffic, cars will drive through backroads and neighborhoods. Delivery truck drivers could take their breaks on the Village Green. This presents traffic and safety issues within our neighborhoods. 

      The structure size in Article #51 will be large enough to bring in tax dollars and it will fit within the capability of our fire department. 

      Please VOTE YES for Zoning Articles #49, #50, & #51. 


Barbara Dalton












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